Thank you for joining us on Mom & … Podcast, the podcast designed to help moms define their values, skills, and interests and apply them to every aspect of their lives. Together, we can help moms explore all the possibilities in life instead of losing themselves in some external definition of “mom.”
If you’re interested on being a guest on the Mom & … Podcast, please fill out our Google form here.

A few things to help prepare for the show…
We have a segment at the end of the show called, “Look, Listen, Learn” where each of us shares something we’ve been “looking at” (TV shows, books, amazing art, something in the way of our million-mile-stare from too much mom-ing), “listening to” (music, podcasts, etc), or learning (a class we’ve taken, a shampoo that we discovered that will change all of our listeners’ lives.) You can choose to do just one, or all.
We have a guest release form – Please complete it and email it to us (a photo of it is fine if you don’t have a scanner) at
Please send us your bio and a the headshot/photo you would like us to use for our social media promotions. We are happy to grab these off of your website if you prefer. Please note, we do record video of our zoom interviews and share the edited video on our YouTube channel. If you would prefer not to have the video shared, please let us know.
Odds & Ends
For recording day, please use some type of headphones so we don’t record feedback. Also, please be situated in a quiet room with minimal echoes. Worried that your set up isn’t fancy? Seeing Susanne & Missy’s closet backgrounds in these YouTube videos will ease your mind. We also record in casual attire, but you do you!
FAQ: Our recording sessions are 1 hour (5 minutes of hellos, 40 minutes of main discussion, 15 minutes of Look, Listen Learn) see #1. Yes, we do post videos of the podcast recordings to our YouTube channel. Happy to answer any infrequently-asked-questions at
The week before your recording we’ll send you some tentative questions, but we like to let the conversations be authentic and natural, so tangents are welcome.
The day that your episode goes live, we’ll tag you in our social media shares and send you an email with relevant links and promotional images if you would like to share them. We also have logos and images available here if you prefer to incorporate them into your own branding. If you would like to tag us anywhere, you can find us at :
Facebook Page – FB/MomAndPodcast
Facebook Group – FB/Group/MomAndCommunity

~ Thank You ~
If you have any questions leading up to your show, please don’t hesitate to contact us at