Intro to Mom & . . . Podcast

Welcome to the Mom & . . . podcast.

We’re Missy & Susanne, two moms trying to figure out what comes after “mom”. Whether you’re a stay at home mom of a newborn or a a mom who is already an empty-nester, our podcast will feature interviews with career and life coaches helping moms answer our biggest questions about who we are, what we want to do with our lives, and what we can do today to help get us there.

Be sure to join subscribe so you’ll be the first to know when our first official show launches. We can’t wait to meet you!

And if you prefer reading to listening, here’s a summary of the show.


We’ve been thinking about motherhood, and how, for a lot of us, the early years are all-consuming. Whether we stop working outside the home altogether, keep working full-time, go part-time, do sporadic contract work, or none-slash-all of the above at different times, raising our kids was our primary focus for a lot of years.

And while parenting never – EVER – goes on autopilot, kids do learn to feed themselves and manage their bathroom business without our constant assistance. They go off to school, and yes, they still need us, but not in the same way.

If you’re like us, you may have found yourself wondering, what now? How do I jump back into the workforce? Do I even want to go back to what I was doing before? Or do I want to keep doing what I’ve been doing? WHO EVEN AM I?

Well, you’re MOM AND DOT DOT DOT.

The Mom And Podcast is about what happens in those ellipsis

Like so many things in our lives, we’re unsure here. How should we pronounce that punctuation symbol? Can we just call it dot dot dot? For a couple of writers, that’s a stretch.

You may be wondering why we picked a podcast name that we’re not even sure how to say. It seemed symbolic of everything we want to talk about here. What comes after Mom And is different for everyone. It may not look the same for you today as it will next year. There are a lot of unknowns. The point is, what happens in that dot dot dot is your story to tell, and you can pronounce it however you want. We can’t wait to help on your journey into the dot dot dot.

This podcast is a collaboration between us, our community, and our future guests. What kinds of guests? Career coaches, life coaches, experts in helping you figure out who you are, how you tick, and what brings you joy.

To that end, we want to hear from you in our Facebook group, on our Instagram feed, in our What’s Your Question? Feature (where you can also leave comments) on our web site. All of the links are in our show notes and on our website.

Eventually, we’ll even be tik-toking, as soon as we figure out how to work the tiktok. And we’ll have clips on YouTube, too. We hope you’ll join us in all of those places, and of course, every week here on Mom And Dot Dot Dot.

Like our theme music? So do we! It’s called “We Will Get Through This” by Young Presidents, licensed through Shutterstock. Find out more about Young Presidents here!


If you feel strongly about what we should call the dots, head to our website, and click on the What’s Your Question? link to leave your thoughts on the ellipses.