Episode 25: Jenny Remington Returns to Talk About Habits
We have our first return guest this week! We love talking to Jenny Remington, and hope she’ll continue to join us frequently (Hey Jenny, will you be a regular contributor, please?).
If you haven’t listened to Jenny’s previous episodes, go check out Episode 8 and Episode 9. The first is all about StrengthsFinder, and the mini-episode was an outtake from our interview that veered into habits territory. And now, finally, we got to have a complete habits-focused conversation for this episode!
We talk about the stark differences in the before times, then Covid life, and now, the after times. A lot of us have jumped right back into our complex, busy lives, but we’ve seen what it’s like to live without the chaos. And we liked it. Transitions are tough, even when almost everyone we know is experiencing a similar transition. Jenny has advice about managing during this time, including maintaining the good habits we’ve built, as well as creating new habits to go with this new post-Covid life.
One of our big takeaways this week is that our habits exist to support our lifestyle. You’ll have to listen for more on that concept, but it’s one of those mind-blowingly simple ideas that can absolutely change your life.
We also talk about pivotal habits, and WHOA, another ah-ha moment occurred for us. Sometimes changing just one thing can, in the end, change everything. There’s so much more in this episode; one amazing idea after another, and we know you’re going to learn a lot. Thanks for listening!
More About Jenny
Jenny Remington is a professionally trained and certified coach with the International Coach Federation. She has empowered hundreds of professionals, entrepreneurs, and parents to reignite their career, discover their path, or realign their life. Jenny has a gift for bridging the personal with the professional, and encourages her clients to embrace self-care.
Topics, People, Etc. That Come Up in This Episode (By the way, all links to products are things we use and love. We are not compensated in any way by any of these companies.)
- David Campbell quote: Discipline is remembering what you want.
- The Four Agreements
- White noise machines for outside our office doors. Here’s one we love.
- Leuchtturm1917 planners (Susanne loves hers! Missy loves how hers looks, but isn’t using it as much as she thought she would. She should try again, because she needs a planner.)
- Using large sticky notes to transport to-do lists to a new page on the planner. We love these.
- The Clue app for tracking your cycle.
Our Looks, Listens, and Learns
- Ted Lasso (the second season is out on July 23 – HOORAY! Ted is the best human.)
- Bullet journaling
- Tracking our cycles and looking for patterns in the data
- How to Be a Person by Catherine Newman
- Julie Lythcott-Haims (future Mom &… guest!) books, Your Turn and How to Raise An Adult
- Hatch Restore clock
- Patchology eye patches (thanks, Suzanne Brown, for the recommendation!)
Connect with Jenny (we recommend subscribing to her newsletter!):
Website: jennyremington.com
Instagram: @coachjennyrem
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennyremington/
FaceBook: facebook.com/jennyremingtoncoaching
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Musical NotesOur delightfully happy intro and outro theme music, “We Will Get Through This” is performed by Young Presidents, and used under license from Shutterstock.