Inspiring Moms

Midlife Bites: Is Anyone Else Falling Apart or is it Just Me? With Guest, Jen Mann

January 13, 2022 / Mom &… Podcast Episode 53 / Guest: Jen Mann, Author, Midlife Bites Use the links below to download and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. Show Summary Jen Mann is on her way to the Mom &… Podcast guest Hall of Fame. She’s back for her second visit, this time to…

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You Can Give Back (No Matter How Little Time You Have!)

December 9, 2021 / Mom &… Podcast Episode 48 / Guests: Ellen Evans from Foster Village, Inc. and Kristin Finan from Carrying Hope Show Summary Note: Originally scheduled to be the December Tipsy Ellipses episode, this recording became a numbered show. Tipsy Technical Troubles Took Toll. (Sorry, we had to.) If you are looking for…

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The Thank You Project – A Thanksgiving Gratitude Re-Release

November 25, 2021 Mom &… Podcast Re-Release of Episode 10 Guest: Nancy Davis Kho, Midlife Mixtape and The Thank You Project In this season of gratitude, we are re-releasing an episode with one of our gratitude heroes, Nancy Davis Kho. Even if you’ve heard the episode, we think it’s worth another listen! Nancy Davis Kho…

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Slay Your Inner Critic & Live the Life You Want

November 11, 2021 / Mom & … Podcast Episode 44 / Guest: Katherine Wintsch of Slay Like a Mother Show Summary Early in this episode, Katherine Wintsch says that she had the trappings of success on the outside, but felt hollow inside. If you, like we did, felt that punch directly in your gut, give…

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Tipsy Ellipses FB Live with Cindy Whitesides

November 5, 2021 Mom &… Podcast: Tipsy Ellipses Episode Guest: Cindy Whitesides, Life Coach Show Summary Tipsy Ellipses is a monthly bonus episode that we record via Facebook Live. This month’s live recording took place on Tuesday, November 2 and featured friend and guest, Cindy Whitesides. Cindy is trained as a Wayfinder Life Coach with…

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Imposter Syndrome, The Murky Middle, and How to Get Past Them

Watch this Episode On Our YouTube Channel October 28, 2021 Mom &… Podcast Episode 42 Guest: Christina Joy Whittaker Show Summary When it comes to showing women and professionals of color how to pivot and advance in the workplace, no one does it better than Christina Joy Whittaker, founder and CEO of Pivot Brand Group…

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Build “Super” Skills, Habits and Confidence

Watch this Episode On Our YouTube Channel October 21, 2021 Mom &… Podcast Episode 41 Guest: Lori Oberbroeckling, Secrets of Supermom Show Summary Lori Oberbroeckling is the author of Secrets of Supermom: How Extraordinary Moms Succeed at Work and Home and How You Can Too!  She is a wife and mom to four tiny humans,…

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Top Lessons from 40 Weeks of Coaches & Inspiring Moms

Watch this Episode on Our YouTube Channel October 14, 2021 Mom &… Podcast Episode 40: What We’ve Learned in 40 Weeks of Podcasting Show Summary Hosts Susanne Kerns and Missy Stevens talk about what they’ve learned in 40 weeks of interviewing life coaches, career coaches, and women who are embracing life in their ellipses. After…

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Tipsy Ellipses – Featuring Our ‘Group Text’ Group

Watch This Episode At Our YouTube Channel September Tipsy Ellipses This month, we invited our group text to get Tipsy and talk ellipses with us.  None of us can remember exactly when we started texting every day – and we mean EVERY DAY – because we can’t scroll back far enough. In fact, so many…

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Give Yourself Permission to Take That Next Step

Watch This Episode On Our YouTube Channel Episode 34: Carolyn Turkington / MomBabes Carolyn Turkington is one half of The MomBabes. She and her sister, Christina, launched this project after experiencing the ups-and-downs of motherhood during the early days, while simultaneously grieving the loss of their father. Carolyn says they are living out their dad’s…

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Tipsy Ellipses: Mary Katherine Backstrom & Holy Hot Mess

Watch This Episode on Facebook Watch This Episode on Our YouTube Channel MK & Susanne causing trouble, per usual. Welcome to the Mom & dot dot dot podcast Tipsy Ellipses edition – Once a month, we do a Facebook Live taping of the podcast – It’s a much different format than our usual “numbered” episodes…

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How to Quit What’s Not Working & Build an Intentional, Fulfilling Life

Watch This Episode on Our YouTube Channel Episode 29: Goli Kalkhoran We talk a lot about relaunching, but today we’re going to talk about… quitting. Our guest, Goli Kalkhoran, is a professional quitter. Wait, that doesn’t sound quite right. But here’s the deal: Goli found herself in a place many of us have been in,…

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Advice from The Original Relauncher & #ReturnToWork Pioneer: Carol Fishman Cohen

Subscribe Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify SoundCloud Stitcher RSS PocketCasts YouTube Watch this Episode On Our YouTube Channel Episode 28: Carol Fishman Cohen So, you’ve been home for a while, and out of the workforce. Maybe you’re raising children, or perhaps you’re caring for elderly or ill family members. It’s time, though. You’re ready to…

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Dog Fans Bonus Mini-sode with Mecca Brown & … PUPPIES!

Watch This Minisode Over at Our YouTube Channel Bonus Episode: Mecca Brown As so often happens, we start talking with our amazing guests and WE CANNOT STOP TALKING! Mecca Brown, (featured in Episode #26) is now breeding goldendoodle and poodle puppies, and has a litter at her house. We got carried away talking about all…

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Tipsy Ellipses – with Simone de Muñoz

Watch this Episode on Our YouTube Channel Tipsy Ellipses: July 2021, featuring Simone de Muñoz Most of the time we interview career & life coaches, or authors who have written books specifically about expanding the possibilities outside of “mom” life. But there are SO MANY AMAZING MOMS out there who aren’t necessarily coaches, yet are…

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Tipsy Ellipses – with Special Guest Kate Strzinek of DomestiKateThis

Watch Full Video (with bonus photos!) on YouTube Now! Welcome to our May Tipsy Ellipses episode. On the first of every month, we (Susanne & Missy) do a Facebook Live bonus episode. The show is (mostly) unedited and non-bleeped, so keep those earbuds in if you’re around the littles. To watch the live version, be…

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